Acronyms & Abbreviations

When working with public sector organisations, you may come across numerous acronyms and abbreviations that you do not understand.

Acronym Meaning
AGO Attorney General’s Office
ALB Arms-Length body
BAU Business as Usual
BCS British Computer Society
BEIS Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
CAB Change Advisory Board
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CCG Clinical Commissioning Group
CCS Crown Commercial Service
CCW Consumer Council for Water
CO Cabinet Office
CPS Crown Prosecution Service
CQC Care Quality Commission
Cafcass Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
DBS Disclosure & Barring Service
DCLG Department for Communities & Local Government
DCMS Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
DDAT Digital, Data and Technology
DExEU Department for Exiting the EU
DFID Department for International Development
DFT Department for Transport
DH Department of Health
DIT Department of International Trade
DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
DVSA Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency
DWP Department for Work and Pensions
Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DfE Department for Education
ERG Efficiency and Reform Group
FBC Full Business Case
FCA Financial Conduct Authority
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FSA Food Standards Authority
FTE Full-time Equivalent
FoI Freedom of Information
GDS Government Digital Service
GDS Government Digital Service
GLS Government Legal Service
GMPP Government's Major Projects Portfolio
GSI Government Secure Intranet
HEE Health Education England
HMCTS Her Majesty's Courts & Tribunals Service
HMG Her Majesty's Government
HMIC Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary
HMRC Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
HMT Her Majesty's Treasury
HO Home Office
HRA Health Research Authority
IPA Infrastructure and Projects Authority
IPO Intellectual Property Office
ITHC IT Health Check
ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library
ITT Invitation to Tender
JAC Judicial Appointments Commission
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LA Local Authority
LAA Legal Aid Agency
MISO Management System Information Online
MVP Minimum Viable Product
MoD Ministry of Defence
MoG Machinery of Government
MoJ Ministry of Justice
MoPA Major Projects Authority
NAO National Audit Office
NCA National Crime Agency
NCSC National Cyber-Security Centre
NDPB Non-Departmental Public Body
NGO Non-Governmental organisation
NHS National Health Service
NHSE NHS England
NICE National Institute of Clinical Excellence
NIO Northern Ireland Office
NS&I National Savings & Investments
OBC Outline Business Case
OBR Office for Budget Responsibility
OGD Other Government Departments
OKR Organisation Key Result
ONS Office of National Statistics
OPG Office of the Public Guardian
Ofcom Office of Communications
Ofgem Office of Gas & Electricity Markets
Ofqual Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
Ofsted Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
PAC Public Accounts Committee
PASC Public Administration Select Committee
PCT Primary Care Trust
PHE Public Health England
PM Prime Minister
PSN Public Sector Network
QAR Quarterly Assurance Reviews
SCS Senior Civil Service
SFO Serious Fraud Office
SHA Strategic Health Authority
SIRO Senior Information Risk Owner
SOC Strategic Outline Case
SRO Senior Responsible Owner
STA Senior Technical Advisor
UKEF UK Export Finance
VOA Valuation Office Agency